What is a simple food to serve at weddings? I was thinking BBQ pork or beef. Any other ideas? - what do people serve at weddings
What we serve depends on the formality of the event and the time of day.
What Do People Serve At Weddings What Is A Simple Food To Serve At Weddings? I Was Thinking BBQ Pork Or Beef. Any Other Ideas?
1:42 PM
Sounds good to me.
A reading of the nodes, most brides choose a type of chicken. Grilled for most people is not as easy as when it comes to weddings. What you want to serve you. Regardless of whether someone thinks fit or not.
Ham, roast beef is easy. You can also use noodles. But the meat is probably the best way forward. The barbecue pork is a good idea. Ask some of their results and see what you perfer, but go with what you want.
During my marriage, we hold the chicken and ribs, salad dressing, salad, mashed potato, corn, rolls and thats about it.
In reality, it just depends on what kind of food you want breakfast, lunch, snacks, breakfast, lunch sit down ..
Chicken is always better and sometimes cheaper, and the menu item. You can do it how you want
It depends on what type of wedding you want. Sit down or cocktail style?
If you are someone who can do many things, carved roast beef, stuffed chicken breast, each of these elements can also be a buffet. Serve with rice pilaf and mixed vegetables based on the time of year you have your wedding.
I agree, it would be difficult to grill.
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