Minolta 35mm Cameras Diagram / How To Is There Anyway To Hook A 35mm Minolta Camera Up To A Computer?

Is there anyway to hook a 35mm minolta camera up to a computer? - minolta 35mm cameras diagram / how to

I could not find a 35mm camera Minolta (http://media.photobucket.com/image/35mm% 20minolta/CLINT_ASVLN/asvlnblog/08_08_02.jpg), and I'm on deviantart interested in implementing my photo, I can do it? It is a little older, and I doubt that you have a USB attachment or something like that. The film and other things. Is it good?


Ozgood said...

No, you can connect the camera to a computer, a lab can get copies of CDs, then you can import and upload. You can scan prints if you have a scanner.

Edwin said...

You have two ways to achieve what you want.

1) If you ship out your order film on CD.

2) Use a flatbed scanner and scan their fingerprints. This is the method I use. Every picture I post on Flickr is a scanned copy. http://www.flickr.com/photos/drifter45h/

Will said...

There are special type of equipment you can buy that the film makes on the computer. Or you can print photos in a photo shop and a scanner to scan the computer.

tech buzz 109 said...

It can scan and save photos to your model

There is no other way

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