Robert Robert Went To A Hypnotist To Help Him Quit Smoking. Which Of The Following Predictions Best States What The H?

Robert went to a hypnotist to help him quit smoking. Which of the following predictions best states what the h? - robert

a) The hypnotist suggests to attribute changes in the sentiments of Robert, perceptions, thoughts and behaviors related to smoking.

b End) The hypnotist Robert stimulate the senses with the hypnotic induction, monotonous and force him to.

c) The hypnotist can ask Robert to go to sleep until the hypnosis is over.

d) The hypnotist Robert ask to motivate something against their will you do to stop smoking.


Tawny said...

The answer is that the hypnotist suggests that due to changes in the sentiments of Robert, perceptions, thoughts and behaviors related to smoking.

"With the help of a hypnotist selects a theme, which he wants to explore, and to propose changes in the hypnotist's feelings, perceptions, thoughts and attitudes about this issue."

I hope that helps. :)

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